November 24, 2012

Giving Thanks.

Thankful for the health and love of my family.

Wish Theron was home for it. Sad he will also be missing Christmas and New Years. But we are almost positive he has one hitch left and he's done forever working on boats. Thank goodness.

November 14, 2012

Photos/Morning Walk

Weather is amazing, 'some' trees are amazing, morning walks - definitely amazing.

November 13, 2012

Tis' the season for

Even though I have never been into cooking, I am so ready to whip up some delicious meals out of those holiday food magazines.

Besides the drool worthy dinners and desserts, I'm not looking forward to Christmas day.
Theron is unfortunately due for work.
He will be up North for most of December, all the way through New Years.
So it will just be Landon and I in this big empty house. :(

Do you have any family recipes you cook every year? How about Holiday traditions? Do share! :)

November 7, 2012

Chilly in the Bay

Florida's best season is here and showing, Landon wears it well. ;)