October 27, 2011

Ah! man... [help!]

Hey there everyone, :/
I'm having a teensie bit of trouble with my blog..

I don't know if it's just me, which I think it is.. but for some reason and I can't figure out why, everyyy time I try to go to view my blog, it freezes, and I have to close out. Every time! 

I haven't added any new codes, or anything for that matter, onto my page.. and it's been doing this all day. Even when I went onto some else's computer(signed in). Can someone let me know if it freezes for them as well? Or just me because i'm signed into the darn thing? 

And if this kind of thing has happened before and you have a solution, pleeeeease let me know, :(
Thanks in advanced!


Anonymous said...

Mine hasn't totally froze yet, but it has been a little glitchy lately and slow to upload completely. I have no idea what's going on, so I'm sorry to come with zero good news. But, you are not alone!!

Unknown said...

i've been looking through your old posts for a few minutes just to see if anything happens... how long does it usually take? also, if your blog or your profile period is behaving strangely, you could've been hacked. you might wanna report it to Blogger. /:(

hope it rights itself soon! thanks for the visit ;)

Anonymous said...

I tried browsing around on your page to see if it would happen to me, and it hasn't. I think it's just a sign that you're officially addicted to Blogging and need to lay off ... jk! :b

Brianna said...

Thanks ladies!!
I actually think it was my play list. Had to remove it, :/ But at least I can go to my own blog now, lol.

Anonymous said...

I have never head a problem like that with your blog... runs smooth for me!