October 26, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Hello bloggy friends(and especially all you bookworms out there)!
Today, I began to follow Comfort Books
Ready for some weekly fun?

Here are the rules:
1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two teaser sentences from anywhere on that page.
4. Be careful not to include spoilers -- you don't want to ruin the book for other readers!
5. Include the name of the book and author so others can check it out ;)

Here's mine:
"I know what it would be like," Clary said, remembering the lake, the sword, and Jace's blood spreading over the sand. He had been dead, and the Angel brought him back, but those had been the worst minutes of her life.

City of Fallen Angels (Book four of The Mortal Instruments Series)
Author: Cassandra Clare

And yeah.. I am aware that today isn't Tuesday, but I found this and just haaad to do it! :)


Unknown said...

ooooh, sounds good. i'll have to check it out!

Anonymous said...

This sounds fun :)

Heather said...

AHHH!! That entire book series was so fun!!!!! :)

Brianna said...

I la la looove them! I'm so excited for the one coming out next year(or it may be this year..) Not sure. But it is great, :)