November 27, 2011

Ramblings of today.

Ahh, today was a gooood day.
Let me start off from last night.. Id like to thank Landon in particular for breaking my phone. I was beyond annoyed with it. It was always acting up, had something wrong with it all the time. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. It was slow, didn't alert me for incoming or missed calls, it would sit charging all night, taken off in the morning only to have it be put back on charge again by noon! No wonder they stopped manufacturing them suckers. But I went to Sprint yesterday with it in mind that Id like a new phone all together, which I wasn't sure if they would let me do that, even if it was of equal or lesser value. And to no one's surprise, they wouldn't allow it. BUT! they did give me a 550 dollar phone, for free, just by adding an additional line onto our account for another 20 bucks a month! Which I have been wanting a phone for the house anyhow, just for emergencies. So I got my new phone..

Samsung Conquer 4g(whatever 4g means? Something with signal I think?) At any rate! I was a little skeptic at first cause I'm one of those people who h.a.v.e. to have a keyboard. I figured I should just give it try.. who uses them anymore anyways, right? But they have this really neat thing called swype for all my typing. I don't have to lift my finger off the screen for each letter. I just drag my finger across the letters I need and it predicts the word for me. Who comes up with this stuff? It is convenient, but totally unnecessary if you ask me. And the BEST perk of all? Is I have a second camera on the front of my screen, and that means Theron and I get to video chat! Which we already have last night and tonight, LOVE IT! He showed me what he could of the boat, it was pretty cool, :). He said when my face is too close to the phone, that I look cross-eyed. So much for attempting to look hot for my man... :/ lol Anywho, I already am loving this phone so much more than my other one. And it was F.R.E.E. Can't get any better than that!
Anywhooo, back to today.. Landon and I woke up, he helped me make a yummy nutritional breakfast, to start off the morning. We sat down at the table and we discussed all the things we had and wanted to do today. Because he had to tag along with me for errands, which is no fun, I let him decide what we would do afterwards. He chose the park, naturally. We got all washed up, dressed and headed out the door. Did everything we need to do and went to the park.

We had to of been there over two hours, my feeties were hurting!(sandals don't have to be comfortable as long as they look good.) And he was beyond pooped out! Poor little guy, couldn't even put together full sentences while on the way home, lol. Once we got home, he did his favorite thing to do, which is youtube monster truck videos. While this momma made some chili spaghetti. Landon ate the spaghetti plain, :/ I don't think it has to do with my cooking, he just likes plain noodles, (really, it isn't my cooking!) :x

Oh, and something that truly makes my days, is getting a random picture from a certain somebody while he's gone... :)

I love his little Russian hat, he looked hottttttttt for our video chat with it on, hehe.
Miss that face entirely too much...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ah, absence maketh the heart grow fonder... and impatient :)