New Years was a complete mess. Bet you weren't expecting me to drop that on ya, huh? I never claimed or try to portray my life to be perfect. It's not. I just wanted everybody to have a wonderful time, Theron, me, our family and friends... Something just had to set that off. Or someone. That, I will not get in to...
All I know, is I got my p-e-r-f-e-c-t New Years kiss(es), how many kisses can you give in a minute? A lot. ;b

And it's no secret that I don't drink, and with good reason.. I had a total of two drinks over a good 4 hours timeline... Guess who got sick the following morning? For now on, I will celebrate my own way, and still be happy and enjoy it as much as all the drunkies, :x lol
Okay okay, so the year may not have started off the best, but doesn't mean the year itself can't be. I am determined to make it better than the last(challenge accept).
Here are some things id like to accomplish, I think i'll make a page for my goals, and through out the year, cross them out. I'm looking to you, blogger, for motivation. I know you can help me!
- Visit distance family / friends
- Travel to new places
- Save money
- Know when to walk away
- Think positive
- Reduce stress
- Control Spending
- Improve social skills
- Don't procrastinate
- Love myself
- Relax
- Be confident
- Take a Trip
- Start a hobby
- Simplify my Life
- Become financial independent / stable
- Increase income
- Replace a bad habit
- Convince Theron to quit, or cut back on his smoking
- Remember birthdays and anniversaries
- Break an addiction
- Improve my non existent credit score
- Have family meals
- Recycle and reuse more often
- Plan a family reunion
- Meditate more
- Be open minded
- Get organized
- Keep at least one plant alive in the bedroom
- Lose weight(approximately 20+ lbs)
- Take an online class
- Eat Healthful Food
- Don't give up
- Occasionally exchange Facebook for face time
- Love my imperfections
- Be proactive
- Donate to a worthy cause
- Study my professional industry
- Drink more water everyday
- Bike instead of drive
- Add 30 minutes to the beginning or end of my night’s sleep
- Play more board games
- Hand write thank-you letters and cards
- Have more picnics
- Donate some of my wardrobe
- Go on dates that require no money
- Get a pet
- Give gifts that are homemade, not bought
- Buy produce at Farmer’s Markets
- Change your favorite color
- Only trim, and let hair grow out longer
I'll be working on getting this into it's own page, i'll put it in the right column of my blog where navigation is. And I can use it as a cross off list. :)
Have any of the same goals as me? Link me to your list, and maybe we could swap goals and add to our own!
Happy New Year!!!!
Oh.. Theron is due back to the boat on the fourth.. Only a couple more days with him :(
1 comment:
we have so many of the same goals! we're totally going to work on these together, brianna!
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