Dear blogger,
I was so tired of the whole Facebook fad, I spent so much checking it all the time. And at the end of the day all that time added up could have been used to do something productive. But was wasted behind a computer. So I got rid of my Facebook over a month ago.
I had to hear it from everybody.. 'Where did your Facebook go?' 'Did you delete your Facebook? When and why?' 'Will you make another one already?' 'Why did you get rid of it? This would be so much easier if you had one.'
And so... I gave in last night, created a new account for the sake of everybody. Mainly for my mother, lol, who bugged me the most out of everybody because she wasn't getting as much updated photos of Landon as she was before. (I think that was really the only reason she wanted me to create one again..)
BUT, I promised myself I will not get caught up in it again like I used to. This will be strictly private - family and close friends only. To be used for updates and for contacting. It will be small, minimal updates, not hundreds of photos scattered through out numerous albums.
I feel bad I have already been denying some old friend's requests... But I refuse to give in entirely, and let this thing consume my time again. I'm not looking for friend count, and half of these friends never kept in touch or tried anyway. I think i'd be another number on THEIR Facebook. I won't lose sight or direction to what my Facebook will be for. And this post will help that.., I think. :)
Has anyone else had issues like this with Facebook? How do you feel about how the internet effects us now-a-days?

December 30, 2011
December 27, 2011
Summing up Christmas
Dear blogger,
There is so much to write, and no where near enough time to say it. So I guess i'll keep it simple/no details...
Since Theron has been home, we have been super busy(hence why I haven't blogged in what seems forever). We have been shopping, spending time with family, and his dad even came down to stay with us over Christmas. *Theron has two dads - the one who raised him over the course of the last 15 years, and his biological father who has been absent over several years and is now putting forth the effort to make a relationship with him and his sister.*
Theron's actual dad came down. It was the first time I met him in the 5 years Theron and I have been together.
Anywho, We've been busy, you get the idea, right? No need for my rambling, lol
Christmas day was a blast, Landon had the best day, which means I did too. I'll skip the list of things he got, it would take too long, and my horrible memory wouldn't be of any help. Plus I got tons of pictures, you'll see some of the things. Oh did I mention how absolutely inconvenient it was when my camera died in the middle of presents at my parents house? I didn't get the big reveal of Theron's present, Landon's presents, the ones we got and ones we gave.
Theron got his Nintendo 3ds, I had to hear him talk about it every day, and how badly he wanted it, but he wouldn't be able to get it for himself this hitch home. Might I say, I did a good job of playing it off that one was already waiting for him under my parents Christmas tree. He didn't expect a thing! Hehe.
Last night, we stayed up all night playing Cranium, lol, thaaat was a good laugh. I recommend this game for everyone who has family nights. I was teamed up with Daniel(Theron's brother) And Theron was on a team with his dad. We were doing sooo horrible in the beginning, but we ended up catching up to them, and won! Naturally.
This week has been so great though. Spending so much time with my family. Loving e-v-e-r-y second of it.
Due to shortage of time, i'll only leave you a couple photos. Bye blogger, til next time.
There is so much to write, and no where near enough time to say it. So I guess i'll keep it simple/no details...
Since Theron has been home, we have been super busy(hence why I haven't blogged in what seems forever). We have been shopping, spending time with family, and his dad even came down to stay with us over Christmas. *Theron has two dads - the one who raised him over the course of the last 15 years, and his biological father who has been absent over several years and is now putting forth the effort to make a relationship with him and his sister.*
Theron's actual dad came down. It was the first time I met him in the 5 years Theron and I have been together.
Anywho, We've been busy, you get the idea, right? No need for my rambling, lol
Christmas day was a blast, Landon had the best day, which means I did too. I'll skip the list of things he got, it would take too long, and my horrible memory wouldn't be of any help. Plus I got tons of pictures, you'll see some of the things. Oh did I mention how absolutely inconvenient it was when my camera died in the middle of presents at my parents house? I didn't get the big reveal of Theron's present, Landon's presents, the ones we got and ones we gave.
Theron got his Nintendo 3ds, I had to hear him talk about it every day, and how badly he wanted it, but he wouldn't be able to get it for himself this hitch home. Might I say, I did a good job of playing it off that one was already waiting for him under my parents Christmas tree. He didn't expect a thing! Hehe.
Last night, we stayed up all night playing Cranium, lol, thaaat was a good laugh. I recommend this game for everyone who has family nights. I was teamed up with Daniel(Theron's brother) And Theron was on a team with his dad. We were doing sooo horrible in the beginning, but we ended up catching up to them, and won! Naturally.
This week has been so great though. Spending so much time with my family. Loving e-v-e-r-y second of it.
Due to shortage of time, i'll only leave you a couple photos. Bye blogger, til next time.
[Go Ravens!]
December 25, 2011
A quick wish for you all!
Wishing you all a wonderful and Merry Christmas! I hope today brings tons of joy and love to you and your families. Looking forward to seeing posts with lots of photos in them, :)
And it has been well over a week since my last post. Seems like when Theron is home, I just can't get any free time to jump on the computer for anything. It's just so crucial trying to get that time in with one another and our families, we're always so busy and on the go! And it being Christmas, makes us even more so. But I will try try try to write again, soon! Promise!!
Once again,
And it has been well over a week since my last post. Seems like when Theron is home, I just can't get any free time to jump on the computer for anything. It's just so crucial trying to get that time in with one another and our families, we're always so busy and on the go! And it being Christmas, makes us even more so. But I will try try try to write again, soon! Promise!!
Once again,
December 15, 2011
At midnight..
Dear Blogger,
When the clock strikes 12 tonight, and the day ends.. it will turn into the 16th. Theron comes home on the 18th.
2 days.
No matter how soon he's due home, it's never quite soon enough...
But just thinking about it, in two short days, he will be home again. Brings swarms of butterflies to my tummy, my heart picks up pace, I fluster, and smile so big that it feels like it's literally from one ear to the other.
I can't wait to pick him up from the airport. Basically slobber on each others faces trying to get every kiss in that we've missed while he was gone.(Okay, maybe not slobber, but craving kisses for that long, you'd get pretty eager and impatient also). Can't wait to walk through the front door of our home, and knowing that after Landon is asleep in his bed, I won't be up all alone. I won't have to go to sleep or wake up with an empty side of the bed. I seriously cannot wait!
All I know, is he deserves more than anything to be home for Christmas, he is the best, and I've never known anyone to work as hard as he does so we can get by. I have never been more proud of someone. He deserves to be here for the holidays. I can't wait to have one of our best Christmas's yet.
2 daaaaaaaaaaays!!
When the clock strikes 12 tonight, and the day ends.. it will turn into the 16th. Theron comes home on the 18th.
2 days.
No matter how soon he's due home, it's never quite soon enough...
But just thinking about it, in two short days, he will be home again. Brings swarms of butterflies to my tummy, my heart picks up pace, I fluster, and smile so big that it feels like it's literally from one ear to the other.
I can't wait to pick him up from the airport. Basically slobber on each others faces trying to get every kiss in that we've missed while he was gone.(Okay, maybe not slobber, but craving kisses for that long, you'd get pretty eager and impatient also). Can't wait to walk through the front door of our home, and knowing that after Landon is asleep in his bed, I won't be up all alone. I won't have to go to sleep or wake up with an empty side of the bed. I seriously cannot wait!
All I know, is he deserves more than anything to be home for Christmas, he is the best, and I've never known anyone to work as hard as he does so we can get by. I have never been more proud of someone. He deserves to be here for the holidays. I can't wait to have one of our best Christmas's yet.
2 daaaaaaaaaaays!!
December 12, 2011
I live & breathe
for you, baby.
Oh, and.. less than a week until the hunnie gets home.
I miss him so much...
Just have to reassure myself i'll be seeing him soon. Before I know it, he'll be here.
December 11, 2011
Darn you, blog!
Just spent 2+ hours giving my page a make over(created new headers, font colors, buttons etc..I switched it up at least 3 times). Only to end up changing everything back to the way it was before I began.
Please tell me this hasn't happened to just me? Cause it seems like some thing only I would do... naturally
....And to be completely honest, this hasn't been the first time. Lol
On another note, last couple days have been b-u-s-y. Can't wait to update with photos of Landon and videos from the TSO concert! Have a great weekend everyone!
Please tell me this hasn't happened to just me? Cause it seems like some thing only I would do... naturally
....And to be completely honest, this hasn't been the first time. Lol
On another note, last couple days have been b-u-s-y. Can't wait to update with photos of Landon and videos from the TSO concert! Have a great weekend everyone!
December 9, 2011
Ten days and he's mine.
Ten days until my Hunnie comes home and we get the opportunity to spend the holiday together!!
Let the count down begin!
December 8, 2011
5 Christmas's together..
When Theron and I first got together, we were in high school. So to be completely honest, we had some of that high school maturity.. And you know how back then everybody had to declare themselves. It was never just date one another til the time comes for marriage, or realizing you'll spend the rest of your life, with this one person.. But him and I did make it official and became boyfriend/girlfriend on the day of February 27, 2007. Wowzers.
This Christmas, will be our 5th one together. It doesn't feel as though it will be. But sure enough time has flown by just that quickly. Our 5th one. I can't get over that..
The holidays have been spent a little differently this year. We have been in our new(also first) home together for 5 months now. So this Christmas holds much more significance than all the others. It's our Christmas. Of course, most of the day will be spent with our parents and family. But the morning and afternoon, will be just the three of us.
I can already picture it. Landon running in to wake us up, yelling at us to get out of bed so we can open up our gifts. And I cannot wait to see his sweet little face, full of happiness and thankfulness. I think i'll cry, lol.
The number one thing i'm most thankful of for this Christmas, is that Theron will be home. Work will not get in the way of this amazing day. Yay!! :)
December 6, 2011
Fresh Market and pretty ribbons
Today, we took a trip to The Fresh Market. First time goer. Man... it was amazing. And we will definitely be going back.
Landon was having the time of his life in there. Since it's close to Christmas, they had baskets, barrels, mountains of candy. Ohhhh how yummy it all looked.
And so, with payday, follows shopping! A girls fave day, right? ;)
We went to Walmart, to get our Christmas on. We finally got all our decorations for our lovely tree. No bulbs this year. But instead...
Glittery snowflakes(yay!) :)
The first of many presents to wrap for this month. But, since i'm trying something a little different, to make it a little more enjoyable, I decided to use ribbon, and create my own bows and pompoms. Didn't get a chance to make it to the craft's section, so I can buy some things to make tags with.
Tutorial One. (This is also creating your very own pompoms)
Tutorial Two. (Basic ribbon wrap around and bow)
Can't wait to do some more Christmas shopping, and get on the ball. This is one household incredibly excited for Christmas! :)
Do you have any special ways you wrap and decorate your presents? Do share!! :)
Landon was having the time of his life in there. Since it's close to Christmas, they had baskets, barrels, mountains of candy. Ohhhh how yummy it all looked.
- drools.
Definitely going back, cause everything in there made a greeat stocking stuffer!
best of all...
The barrels full of a variety of coffee beans.
What I got.
Personally, the lip-balm is my favorite. My lips instantly felt softer. And none of their products are tested on animals!
And so, with payday, follows shopping! A girls fave day, right? ;)
We went to Walmart, to get our Christmas on. We finally got all our decorations for our lovely tree. No bulbs this year. But instead...
Glittery snowflakes(yay!) :)
"Theron, Landon, Brianna"
The first of many presents to wrap for this month. But, since i'm trying something a little different, to make it a little more enjoyable, I decided to use ribbon, and create my own bows and pompoms. Didn't get a chance to make it to the craft's section, so I can buy some things to make tags with.
Tutorial One. (This is also creating your very own pompoms)
Tutorial Two. (Basic ribbon wrap around and bow)
Can't wait to do some more Christmas shopping, and get on the ball. This is one household incredibly excited for Christmas! :)
Do you have any special ways you wrap and decorate your presents? Do share!! :)
One of my favorite moments as a mother..
Call me crazy, or whatever name you'd like to give me.
But one of my most favorite things to do, being a mother, is.. before I take myself to sleep, I walk into his room every night while he's sleeping, sit beside him on the bed.. and give him one more goodnight kiss. Or a few...
Sometimes I'll sit there for a few minutes, just staring at him.. so peaceful, cozy, dreaming. And I'll realize i'm smiling so hard that my cheeks even start hurting. All because this amazing sweet little boy, is mine.
I couldn't be a happier mother. I love him to pieces.
Goodnight baby.
December 4, 2011
I miss them both
I am spending tonight in our home, alone.
Landon is staying the night at his Mema's(Theron's mom), and well..
Theron himself is up North working. So where does that leave me?
It has been so incredibly quite. I've got some things done around the house, and with my blog.
It's peaceful, relaxing, clean.. and to be completely honest, I don't like it. Not one single bit.
I would much rather be chasing my little man around the house, picking up toys that I had just put away 5 minutes before.
Listening to Landon play and make a big wet mess in the bathroom during his bath while I do dishes and put
away left overs from dinner.
I miss Landon asking me a question every 15 seconds.
I miss him throwing his rubber bugs at me. And occasionally getting caught in my hair..
I miss him throwing his rubber bugs at me. And occasionally getting caught in my hair..
I miss him running and jumping around and telling him to quit it because he'll upset the neighbors, then I get to hear his sweet little voice apologize.
I miss him asking to hold on and telling me that he's busy to drag out going to bed.
I miss watching him get his step stool out so he can brush his teeth.
I miss him begging me to turn on his closet light, the hall way light, and his night light cause he's afraid of what's lurking in the dark.
And I'll miss him waking up around 3am, like every single morning, to come crawl into bed next to me.
I miss the loudness, craziness, the crying.. because i'm missing the smiles, and laughter, and jokes, and his adorable little sayings as well.
And I miss him. You know... 'him'.. The love of my life.
And I have a feeling that tonight, is going to be 'one of those nights'.. the restless ones.
Where I can't get him off my mind. No amount blankets and pillows can get me comfortable enough to doze off to sleep.
I'll most likely cry, text him, call him.. knowing he's off watch and getting his much needed rest.
So overworked his phone ringing never even wakes him up.
Then i'll send him another text or two about how i'm so lonely, sleeping in this darn house by myself, and Landon won't even be here to make it okay.
I am completely a-l-o-n-e.
I can only be a little hopeful that waking up early this morning.. has tired me out enough that I won't be laying in bed for more than a couple hours.
Damn these nights.
November 30, 2011
5 incredibly SIMPLE skin care tips:
1. Protect yourself from the sun.
The most important way to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun.
- Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Wear protective clothing.
- Use sunscreen when you're in the sun.
2. Don't smoke.
Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles.
3. Treat your skin g.e.n.t.l.y.!
Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin, so keep it gentle:
- Limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin.
- Avoid strong soaps.
- Shave carefully. To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving.
- Pat dry.
- Moisturize dry skin.
4. Eat a healthy diet.
A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best.
5. Manage stress.
Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems.
To dive deeper and learn a little more about these tips, click here --> (source).
Snagged from another blogger, don't do these much, so what the heck, i'll give it a try - :)
Working on: becoming healthy. Getting my butt in shape. It's been bothering me for a while.. just can't seem to find the support, motivation, or encouragement I need though. Hasn't begun.. yet.
Thinking about: playing some CODmw3.(It's a video game.. i'm a huge gamer... :b)
Anticipating: letting Landon pick out our Christmas tree! He keeps talking about it through out every day. Everywhere we go we see Christmas trees. And I am anticipating buying all the decorations, and lights that get to go on it, hehe.
Listening to: Landon talk to his duck as he's falling asleep. He's slept with it since he was an infant. Every.Single.Night.
This is an older photo of him. He was about two and a half. But that's his duuuuck.
Drinking: a Coca - Cola.
Wishing: Theron could be here to help pick out our first Christmas Tree together. It'll be our first Christmas in our very own home. So sad he is going to miss it. But thankful none the less he will be home for the day of Christmas!
I think from-now-on i'll post a random photo every night, of nothing in-particular really. Something, I love, find silly, cute, lovely, inspirational, seasonal... anything. And here is a random photo from/for today.
totally cheesy, I know! I love him so much, especially when he sneaks me kisses in the middle of taking a photo. He's a goof/mush ball for sure. :)
November 29, 2011
Just cool enough for hot chocolate.
The temperature is finally perfect. I can open up the sliding glass doors, turn off the air, let the cool breeze rush in and keep it cool enough in here that we have to snuggle up with long sleeved Pj's and drink our hot chocolate on the couch together while watching Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Any TV station still playing that old cartoon is nothing short of amazing. Landon la la looved it.
But earlier today -
We have some overly friendly ducks...
"GAWWWWWWWD, is that what I sound like?!?!?!"
I think it has to be one of my favorite thing about things Winter. Nothing like snuggling in blankets and enjoying hot cups of thaaaat! ;)
November 27, 2011
Ramblings of today.
Ahh, today was a gooood day.
Let me start off from last night.. Id like to thank Landon in particular for breaking my phone. I was beyond annoyed with it. It was always acting up, had something wrong with it all the time. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. It was slow, didn't alert me for incoming or missed calls, it would sit charging all night, taken off in the morning only to have it be put back on charge again by noon! No wonder they stopped manufacturing them suckers. But I went to Sprint yesterday with it in mind that Id like a new phone all together, which I wasn't sure if they would let me do that, even if it was of equal or lesser value. And to no one's surprise, they wouldn't allow it. BUT! they did give me a 550 dollar phone, for free, just by adding an additional line onto our account for another 20 bucks a month! Which I have been wanting a phone for the house anyhow, just for emergencies. So I got my new phone..
nutritional breakfast, to start off the morning. We sat down at the table and we discussed all the things we had and wanted to do today. Because he had to tag along with me for errands, which is no fun, I let him decide what we would do afterwards. He chose the park, naturally. We got all washed up, dressed and headed out the door. Did everything we need to do and went to the park.
We had to of been there over two hours, my feeties were hurting!(sandals don't have to be comfortable as long as they look good.) And he was beyond pooped out! Poor little guy, couldn't even put together full sentences while on the way home, lol. Once we got home, he did his favorite thing to do, which is youtube monster truck videos. While this momma made some chili spaghetti. Landon ate the spaghetti plain, :/ I don't think it has to do with my cooking, he just likes plain noodles, (really, it isn't my cooking!) :x
Oh, and something that truly makes my days, is getting a random picture from a certain somebody while he's gone... :)
I love his little Russian hat, he looked hottttttttt for our video chat with it on, hehe.
Miss that face entirely too much...
Let me start off from last night.. Id like to thank Landon in particular for breaking my phone. I was beyond annoyed with it. It was always acting up, had something wrong with it all the time. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. It was slow, didn't alert me for incoming or missed calls, it would sit charging all night, taken off in the morning only to have it be put back on charge again by noon! No wonder they stopped manufacturing them suckers. But I went to Sprint yesterday with it in mind that Id like a new phone all together, which I wasn't sure if they would let me do that, even if it was of equal or lesser value. And to no one's surprise, they wouldn't allow it. BUT! they did give me a 550 dollar phone, for free, just by adding an additional line onto our account for another 20 bucks a month! Which I have been wanting a phone for the house anyhow, just for emergencies. So I got my new phone..
Samsung Conquer 4g(whatever 4g means? Something with signal I think?) At any rate! I was a little skeptic at first cause I'm one of those people who h.a.v.e. to have a keyboard. I figured I should just give it try.. who uses them anymore anyways, right? But they have this really neat thing called swype for all my typing. I don't have to lift my finger off the screen for each letter. I just drag my finger across the letters I need and it predicts the word for me. Who comes up with this stuff? It is convenient, but totally unnecessary if you ask me. And the BEST perk of all? Is I have a second camera on the front of my screen, and that means Theron and I get to video chat! Which we already have last night and tonight, LOVE IT! He showed me what he could of the boat, it was pretty cool, :). He said when my face is too close to the phone, that I look cross-eyed. So much for attempting to look hot for my man... :/ lol Anywho, I already am loving this phone so much more than my other one. And it was F.R.E.E. Can't get any better than that!
Anywhooo, back to today.. Landon and I woke up, he helped me make a yummy Oh, and something that truly makes my days, is getting a random picture from a certain somebody while he's gone... :)
I love his little Russian hat, he looked hottttttttt for our video chat with it on, hehe.
Miss that face entirely too much...
November 26, 2011
Going craaazy
A certain little boy messed up his mommy's phone.
I have not had a phone in two days. And it haaad to happen once I decided to take that big leap and delete my Facebook, coincidence? I have no way to contact aaany friends.. It's driving me absolutely bonkers! It is a nice little break from all this technology that we surround ourselves with these days.
Wanna do a big shout out to Black Friday. Just wanna say thanks, I was not able to get my phone fixed yesterday due to the fact that the only thing Sprint was doing all day was making deals and preparing new contracts for soon to be upset costumers.
What is a girl to do?
Anywho, Christmas is right around the corner, time to start decorating, buy some lights and of course our first tree for our first home. Can't wait for Landon to pick out our tree(I have complete faith in him that he will pick out a great one, lol.) Downfall is, daddy won't be here to help us chose. It'll only be Landon and I. LUCKILY he will be coming home a few days before Christmas, and will be here through the holidays! Yay! Gotta take the bad with the good, right?
Here is a cute little idea, Landon and I plan to do for the Christmas Tree, and maybe you guys may like the idea and do it with your little ones as well, :)
Do you have any neat ornaments you're making with your family this year? Please share! :)
I have not had a phone in two days. And it haaad to happen once I decided to take that big leap and delete my Facebook, coincidence? I have no way to contact aaany friends.. It's driving me absolutely bonkers! It is a nice little break from all this technology that we surround ourselves with these days.
Wanna do a big shout out to Black Friday. Just wanna say thanks, I was not able to get my phone fixed yesterday due to the fact that the only thing Sprint was doing all day was making deals and preparing new contracts for soon to be upset costumers.
What is a girl to do?
Anywho, Christmas is right around the corner, time to start decorating, buy some lights and of course our first tree for our first home. Can't wait for Landon to pick out our tree(I have complete faith in him that he will pick out a great one, lol.) Downfall is, daddy won't be here to help us chose. It'll only be Landon and I. LUCKILY he will be coming home a few days before Christmas, and will be here through the holidays! Yay! Gotta take the bad with the good, right?
Here is a cute little idea, Landon and I plan to do for the Christmas Tree, and maybe you guys may like the idea and do it with your little ones as well, :)
Do you have any neat ornaments you're making with your family this year? Please share! :)
November 24, 2011
November 23, 2011
Get to know me through this picture collage!
I thought this was too neat to just pass up, so I snagged it from one of my favorite bloggers Hudson's Happenings. It's called Photo Personality, :)
1. Brianna, photo is Brianna Brown.
1. my name
2. my favorite food
3. my favorite color
4. my celebrity crush
5. my favorite movie
6. my dream vacation
7. my favorite drink
8. currently reading
9. my favorite holiday
2. my favorite food
3. my favorite color
4. my celebrity crush
5. my favorite movie
6. my dream vacation
7. my favorite drink
8. currently reading
9. my favorite holiday
1. Brianna, photo is Brianna Brown.
2. Shrimp, any shrimp, mm
3. Oraaaange!
4. Ian Somerhalder, -drool
5. Australia, I suggest this movie to every single person who hasn't watched it.
6. Maya Bay, Thailand.
7. Fountain Coke, whether it's from resturaunts, fast food places, or gas stations, :b
8. Year of the Black Rainbow by Claudio Sanchez / Peter David
9. Christmasss, naturally, ;)
Snag the idea, make a post, and let your followers learn a bit more about yourself, while having a little fun doing it, ;)
November 22, 2011
Today, was a good day. Great day.
Things that made it good you ask? - I think the main thing was that I trimmed my hair, and decided to blow dry it, to my surprise, it came out greeeat! Not too frizzy anymore now that I trimmed a ton from underneath - off. Weird something as simple as a hair-do can start your day out good. I know i'm the only lady who looks in the mirror in the morning, think you look great and feel like you can concur just about a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g., am I right? Yeeeeeah, lol.
Another was that Landon and I went out to lunch with my mom. We decided to try a new place, called Babalu Resturaunt. They had just about everything on the menu. I was torn between a fish sandwich, Reuben, and meatloaf sandwich(Say whaaat?!) I know I know, it sounds horrifying, but reading it made it seem so good. meatloaf slices on Texas toast with american cheese, mmm. I ended up playing it safe though, and ordered the Reuben. Always a good choice. Landon had his usual, a hotdog and french fried, and lately(for some strange reason) Landon's favorite part of every meal that involves buns, is the bread itself. Whether it's hotdog buns, bread slices for his pb&j, it's weird right? Just plain bread. Lol.
After lunch we came home. Landon spent time on the computer youtubing 'Monster Trucks' for about an hour. That's what his daily dose of internet consists of, everything monster trucks.
(Here's a little something funny.. On his cartoon channel, there is this moose, that names off all the things he's thankful for, at the end, he looks at the whomever is watching(Landon) and asks 'what are you thankful for?' And what does Landon reply with?...'I'm thankful for Monster Jam' talking to TV, lol, it was the cutest thing ever) And it even made me realize that it doesn't matter how young or old you are, anybody can be thankful for something. :)
While Landon was surfing through youtube videos, I decided to do some reading. I'd totally love to explain the book I am reading, but it is just way too complex to do so. So I won't even try, i'll just give myself a horrible headache, lol.
And then like almost every night, around the same time, we'll pick out a movie, we try to mix it up every once in a while, I can't even tell you how many times I've seen the movie Cars, and Robin Hood, Landon has both the movies entirely memorized.. So we threw a popcorn in the microwave, grabbed a blankey, turned the lights out, snuggled up on the couch together and watched Tarzan, :)
Oh and we spent about 30 minutes using the webcam and taking silly pictures with each other, lol..
Well lovely friends, that about sums it up for today.
Please feel free to share with us all the fun adventures you and your family did on this wonderful day. :)
Things that made it good you ask? - I think the main thing was that I trimmed my hair, and decided to blow dry it, to my surprise, it came out greeeat! Not too frizzy anymore now that I trimmed a ton from underneath - off. Weird something as simple as a hair-do can start your day out good. I know i'm the only lady who looks in the mirror in the morning, think you look great and feel like you can concur just about a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g., am I right? Yeeeeeah, lol.
Another was that Landon and I went out to lunch with my mom. We decided to try a new place, called Babalu Resturaunt. They had just about everything on the menu. I was torn between a fish sandwich, Reuben, and meatloaf sandwich(Say whaaat?!) I know I know, it sounds horrifying, but reading it made it seem so good. meatloaf slices on Texas toast with american cheese, mmm. I ended up playing it safe though, and ordered the Reuben. Always a good choice. Landon had his usual, a hotdog and french fried, and lately(for some strange reason) Landon's favorite part of every meal that involves buns, is the bread itself. Whether it's hotdog buns, bread slices for his pb&j, it's weird right? Just plain bread. Lol.
After lunch we came home. Landon spent time on the computer youtubing 'Monster Trucks' for about an hour. That's what his daily dose of internet consists of, everything monster trucks.
(Here's a little something funny.. On his cartoon channel, there is this moose, that names off all the things he's thankful for, at the end, he looks at the whomever is watching(Landon) and asks 'what are you thankful for?' And what does Landon reply with?...'I'm thankful for Monster Jam' talking to TV, lol, it was the cutest thing ever) And it even made me realize that it doesn't matter how young or old you are, anybody can be thankful for something. :)
While Landon was surfing through youtube videos, I decided to do some reading. I'd totally love to explain the book I am reading, but it is just way too complex to do so. So I won't even try, i'll just give myself a horrible headache, lol.
And then like almost every night, around the same time, we'll pick out a movie, we try to mix it up every once in a while, I can't even tell you how many times I've seen the movie Cars, and Robin Hood, Landon has both the movies entirely memorized.. So we threw a popcorn in the microwave, grabbed a blankey, turned the lights out, snuggled up on the couch together and watched Tarzan, :)
Oh and we spent about 30 minutes using the webcam and taking silly pictures with each other, lol..
I love my big little boy. You can totally see he gets his silly personality trait from his mama! Hehe.
Please feel free to share with us all the fun adventures you and your family did on this wonderful day. :)
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