April 29, 2012

Our new baby is finally here!

Finally, we were able to bring our baby home! He is exactly eight weeks old. He had his first vet visit and shots(poor baby) and he is as healthy as can be(yay!) He is 9lbs, such a little porker already. I had work today and it broke my heart having to leave him here that whole time! And of course he left a big mess for moma to clean up when she got home, hehe. Landon and I adorrre him to pieces and of course first night home, we let him sleep with us in the bed. He is such a snuggle bug. Always wants to be held and won't fall asleep for a nap unless he is in someones lap. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Sizer is ADORABLE! :)

Unknown said...

So cute!