April 13, 2012

Where do I even begin??

Ever had a great idea, to do something, and don't know where to begin? That's me, right about now.

When Theron and I first got together over five years ago, and I was just getting in the scene of being around his family all the time, I remember when I saw his mom working on this shell mirror(which to this day is still in complete, she's quite the procrastinor). It was huge, and beyond beautiful. It had large shells, small shells, colorful shells, rare shells, shells I have never seen before on the beach. And Lord knows how long it took her to collect all these things! She had vase upon vase filled to the brim with shells, buckets, baskets. I was a little taken aback. Then there was this time I went on the back porch and started helping her paint the shells with a clear shiny coat of paint, to keep them looking wet. she would individually paint these little, big shells each, and set them out to dry. The whole process takes a long time.. but my goodness, afterwards the shells are gorgeous. So one day I decided to try out my out little shell mirror project. I went to Michael's and bought a couple $2 plain thick frame mirrors. The wood not yet coated with paint, just sanded. I got back to Theron's house, used his mothers glue gun and some of her shells as well as mine I began to collect from the beach, and started getting at it. Took a good few hours, mind you these mirrors are not that big at all, just regular 8x10. I was beyond satisfied with the outcome. They came out as I imagined, even better!

Find them here<<

I guess what has been weighing on my mind for quiet some time is that Id love to take this little hobby of mine further. Handcraft mirrors, frames, or anything someone throws at me. Just to make a few extra bucks on the side. Maybe have a little online shop. That brings me back to the reason of this post. Where do I even begin? I don't know how to create a website, advertise... I don't know how to do anything to get this little idea of mine started. I know there are a ton of ladies on here who have their own little shops online for all their nifty things they make. If anyone out there can help me, please do.

I've always wanted to do this, for years.. I'm motivated now more than ever, I just don't have a clue on how to go about it. I guess Landon and I better start going to the beach again to collect some sea shells, hehe.


Unknown said...

I don't personally have an online store but I love Etsy.com which is a collection of "shops" where people can sell their products. Not sure if there is a cost involved but I use it all the time. By the way I love the mirrors!

Nicole said...

This is soo cool & I hope it works out for yah! If you need anything let me know.

Anonymous said...

hmm .. maybe look into etsy? :)