April 2, 2012

A new weight loss journey. getting fit and staying healthy.

I can't believe it is already April. Seriously? Can the days go by any faster? It seems as though New Years wasn't that long ago, we're already in the fourth month? But there is a benefit to the beginning of each month. Theron is home! *insert happy dance here!* Yay! :) You can definitely say we are one incredibly happy family at the moment. We have so much going on while he's home. One thing in particular I'm excited about is a little trip to a near water park. The weather is certainly allowing for such a day already. First day of Spring was just a couple weeks ago, and it already feels like the middle of Summer. Thanks Florida. Absolutely cannot wait! I am so glad Theron is back. Back at home, in my arms, no longer falling asleep every night alone..

>>And I think I am going to create a second blog. Honestly, I am to my breaking point of hating how truly unfit and unhealthy I am. I am over weight for my height, sluggish, always fatigue, drinking 5 sodas daily, fast food, no fruits or veggies, no daily intake of vitamins and I see the tole it's taking on me and unfortunately Landon. I teamed up with my cousin Rea and am getting a gym membership to Lifestyles. It's pretty pricey... but I realized my health was more important than paper. So I took the jump. It even has child care. So why us mommies are getting our work out on, the kids can go play and do their thing. But my new blog will be an entire different journey in my life. I hope I can dedicate to it as much as I'm thinking I will. Id love to.. I think it would be a great way to get support, to keep me motivated, and also I could inspire another whose in my shoes to do something to better themselves as well. I can't wait to start.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm glad you are doing alright (:
I hope you can reach your goals with your cousin.