January 10, 2012


Dear Blogger,

Here is a site that always takes a stab at my heart...

Theron is gone. He's in Virginia right now.

My eyes hurt. I'm tired and been crying on and off. I'm usually not this emotional through out the day after he leaves.. but every time I think about him still being here, realizing he isn't and can't be, my heart hurts, I tear up and have to catch myself.. :/

Atleast I have this amazing little boy to keep me happy and busy until Theron gets home.



Whiskey Tango Foxtrot said...

My hubby will be gone for the next 4 months so I know how it feels to watch him go :( You are so lucky to have such a cutie pie at home with you to keep you company! Hang in there!

whit | Black Little Button blog said...

awe. Insert a huge blog hug here. The little guy is adorable, glad he can put a smile on your face.


Sarah said...

He is just adorable!