I am clearly lacking in the sponsorship department. I don't even have a section for it. I have been steadily sitting at 43 followers, for quite some time now, and I think what I need to do is reach out and find some gals who are willing to swap buttons with me. Whether it be for a month, or a few months, if anyone out there is swapping, free of charge, let me know puhleeease! :)

February 27, 2012
Lately, keepin' it simple.
Dear Blogger,
It has been awhile since my last post, and so much has happened these past couple weeks. I won't go into detail, i'll keep it simple for you. Number one thing keeping me busy? My niece is in town from Washington! Yay!
You may recognize this sweet little girls face from Our Beautiful Little Journey. We all celebrated her 6th birthday! I can't believe how much she has grown, she is such a little lady, :)
All the cousins together. It was the perfect day minus a booboo here and a booboo there. I am so not looking forward to this sweet little girl to leave on Wednesday!
Today is Theron and I's 5th Year Anniversary. Sadly, he isn't home to spend the day with me. I can't help but be awfully upset on days that are so meaning to be the best days of our lives. I will always remember this day, whom I spent it with, the gorgeous huge vase of red roses I got.. but when I think back and remember all that I did, his face won't pop up in any of the things I think of. I don't want to upset myself anymore than I am already, so i'm stopping there on this little touchy subject!
Today I went on a Starbucks/blogging date with my wonderful girlfriend Noelani, owner from Our Beautiful Little Journey blog spot. It was nice to sit back, look over pictures, and exchange a few blogs we think each other would like, and catch up a teensie bit. But not even close to how caught up I wish I was on here. I have so many posts to read. I think I will get started on that soon. Thank you Noe and Alex for the frappuccino and the cookie doe flautas from Tijuana Flats! ;) So, I gave in and created a Pinterest account, oh joy. Just another thing for me to get addicted to. Let the addiction begin! Leave me your Pin profile please! :)
February 15, 2012
my big, fat chocolate chip cookies
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup white sugar
3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1 (8-ounce) block dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
(All ingredients were already in our home except the block of chocolate, so we substituted it with some white chocolate chips we had) :)
(All ingredients were already in our home except the block of chocolate, so we substituted it with some white chocolate chips we had) :)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper. Sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt into a medium bowl and set aside.
Place the butter, sugar, and brown sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer; cream together on medium speed until light and fluffy. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula. Beat in the vanilla and eggs. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the creamed mixture and continue to mix until a smooth batter forms. Turn off the mixer and fold in the chocolate chunks using the spatula.
To form the cookies, scoop about 1/4 cup of cookie dough into your hands and roll it around into a ball; place them about 3-inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets; you should get about 4 cookies on each pan. Press down the tops of the dough slightly and bake until the cookies are light brown, 12 minutes for chewy cookies, or about 15 minutes for crispy cookies.
Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheets for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat with remaining dough/cookie sheets.
the downfall to our relationship... happy valentine's day..
Dear Blogger,
Today I spent Valentine's Day, lonely as HECK in the sense that I wasn't with the love of my life. Sure, I was surrounded by some family, in general the day was good. But the sentimental value the day itself holds, never made it's appearance. I spent all day missing Theron. Just wishing he could be here and spend the day with me. If there were any way he could have flown in for a single day and go back out the next, I would be okay with that. It isn't easy reading updates through out the day about my girlfriends getting all the love in the world their heart desires and then some, while i'm stuck unable to create memories with the one I love because Theron is hundreds of miles away from me. What I wouldn't do to be able to have a normal relationship with him. To be able to see him e.v.e.r.y day. Never having to worry about going to sleep alone. It would be nice to not always cook TV dinners cause what's the point of making a huge dinner mess for one and a half people? Having things go unfixed for weeks until he can get home to make it right. That feeling of being overwhelmed and he isn't here to help me. Most of all he misses out on so much, we as a family miss out. It's unbelievably difficult.. And there is no worse feeling in the world when you need that someone you love, but you can't have them, there's nothing you can do to change it. Feeling hopeless is awful. And it's something I constantly have to deal with. I know he does what he has to do to take care of Landon and I, if there were any other way to do it, he would quit his job in a heart beat without thinking twice about it. I know as soon as I get off of here, I'll get myself ready for sleep, curl up in the bed under our blankets and cry to the point where I run myself dry of tears and fall asleep by exhaustion from bawling. It happens every night that he misses out on something he should be here for. Every single time. No matter how many years we have to do this, it never gets any easier. It's been three years and it's just as hard now as it was since day one. I wish he was here. I needed him today and I need him now. I'm on the verge of a break down and I can only imagine him coming up behind me, pulling me towards him and kissing me to reassure that things are alright. What some people often take for granted, I cherish beyond belief. Simple little kisses on the forehead, for no reason. A short holding of each others hands, even if it's just walking from the car to inside the grocery store. Arguing about who is taking up the most room on the bed. Some things I wish I could be able to do every day, go unnoticed by those who have it. And remember that corny saying, 'you never know what you have until it's gone'? I cannot stress enough on how unbelievably true that statement is. I told myself in the beginning of the day that because I do have such an amazing man in my life, I will spend the day happy. But I could only fool myself for so long. No doubt, I have been grateful on this day that I have him, regardless if he was here or not he is my Valentine. But the day should not have been spent the way it was. I am not looking forward to the 27th of this month either... :(
Today I spent Valentine's Day, lonely as HECK in the sense that I wasn't with the love of my life. Sure, I was surrounded by some family, in general the day was good. But the sentimental value the day itself holds, never made it's appearance. I spent all day missing Theron. Just wishing he could be here and spend the day with me. If there were any way he could have flown in for a single day and go back out the next, I would be okay with that. It isn't easy reading updates through out the day about my girlfriends getting all the love in the world their heart desires and then some, while i'm stuck unable to create memories with the one I love because Theron is hundreds of miles away from me. What I wouldn't do to be able to have a normal relationship with him. To be able to see him e.v.e.r.y day. Never having to worry about going to sleep alone. It would be nice to not always cook TV dinners cause what's the point of making a huge dinner mess for one and a half people? Having things go unfixed for weeks until he can get home to make it right. That feeling of being overwhelmed and he isn't here to help me. Most of all he misses out on so much, we as a family miss out. It's unbelievably difficult.. And there is no worse feeling in the world when you need that someone you love, but you can't have them, there's nothing you can do to change it. Feeling hopeless is awful. And it's something I constantly have to deal with. I know he does what he has to do to take care of Landon and I, if there were any other way to do it, he would quit his job in a heart beat without thinking twice about it. I know as soon as I get off of here, I'll get myself ready for sleep, curl up in the bed under our blankets and cry to the point where I run myself dry of tears and fall asleep by exhaustion from bawling. It happens every night that he misses out on something he should be here for. Every single time. No matter how many years we have to do this, it never gets any easier. It's been three years and it's just as hard now as it was since day one. I wish he was here. I needed him today and I need him now. I'm on the verge of a break down and I can only imagine him coming up behind me, pulling me towards him and kissing me to reassure that things are alright. What some people often take for granted, I cherish beyond belief. Simple little kisses on the forehead, for no reason. A short holding of each others hands, even if it's just walking from the car to inside the grocery store. Arguing about who is taking up the most room on the bed. Some things I wish I could be able to do every day, go unnoticed by those who have it. And remember that corny saying, 'you never know what you have until it's gone'? I cannot stress enough on how unbelievably true that statement is. I told myself in the beginning of the day that because I do have such an amazing man in my life, I will spend the day happy. But I could only fool myself for so long. No doubt, I have been grateful on this day that I have him, regardless if he was here or not he is my Valentine. But the day should not have been spent the way it was. I am not looking forward to the 27th of this month either... :(
February 14, 2012
it's been far too long..
It has been just over a week since my last post. Things have been... busy. Between Theron being home for such a short amount of time, and training at work, I literally have felt like a walking zombie amongst humans. There is so much to write about, but I don't even know where to start..
Theron left a few days ago, which means I will be spending Valentine's Day without him. *insert sad face here* And since he's assigned to be out until the 1st, he will also be missing our 5th year anniversary. *insert even bigger sad face here* This will be his fourth year in a row missing our anniversary.. One of the most amazing days of the year for a couple, and we don't get to spend it together, again... When most couples will be exchanging cute little gifts followed by tons of hugs and kisses, I'll be wishing my hunnie was home, able to do the same. Have I mentioned how much I dislike his job? :/
Besides not looking forward to these special dates, everything else has been relatively good. Work is great, I am already comfortable and feel like it's where I need to be. I don't think I could of found a job more perfect for me.
It's pretty late though, I thought Id try to spare a few minutes to write a quick blog. It truly has been too long since I've been on here. I'm slackin!
Hope you all have been doing well, I will try to put some time into catching up on your blogs tomorrow. :)
February 6, 2012
weekend recap!
Monster Jam was amazing! We had such a great time! Grave Digger won the racing(of course) and Avenger kept his title for champion of freestyle. The crashes were crazy, and one truck actually caught on fire! Luckily the driver wasn't inside at the time. phew! Can't wait until next year, and the year after that, and all the years to come that Landon wants to go! Definitely one of the best days we've had as a family.
Before the weekend even happened, one of your blog-y friends found employment! Thaaat's right, this person!!
This moma is beyond happy right now! :) This week has been greeeeeat!
Have you ever been to Monster Jam? What were your plans this weekend? Hope it was absolutely wonderful! :)
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