October 24, 2011

Two Skincare Myths

MYTH 1: A complete skincare routine must have three steps.

TRUTH: Cleanse, tone, then moisturize has been drilled into our heads, but feel free to skip the second step. People think that toning an oily complexion will make it better, but oil is protective and the body produces it in response to injury. When you strip your skin, it reacts by making a ton of grease. If you have dry or normal skin, toners are a definite must!

MYTH 2: You need to cleanse your face at least twice a day.

TRUTH: Using a face wash in the morning is just an excuse to go through more product, also I advise avoiding antibacterial soaps at all costs because they're too harsh for your face. In the morning, the best thing is water and your fingers, not a cleanser.


Anonymous said...

Hmm good to know! :) And really, just fingers and water in the morning? Nothing else?

Brianna said...

Depends on which skin type you are? For oily, water alone would be best in the mornings. But dry/dehydrated would best benefit from the 3-step routine twice a day.