November 8, 2011

Not all changes are good...

Theron only has one week left home. 
And honestly, it feels like he has only been home for no more than a few days..
Unfortunately, some things were worked out at work, and his hitch schedules have been changed, nothing he could of done about it.

Originally, Theron worked 40 days straight way up North on a designated boat, to come home for 20 days off, to do whatever we pleased. 
The hitch he worked before this trip home was the beginning of his new schedule. 
Instead of doing 40/20 he is now having to do 34/16. 

It may not seem like a big deal... but with the 20 days home we were already spending everyday being busy. 
Balancing our days between what we need to get done, when do we see his family, my family.. our friends. 
Before we know it he's already flying back to work.. 
We never get a day to just lounge around the house, and relax. 
We are always doing something.  

Now, him only being home for 15 days(the 16th day I don't count since it's his travel day and leaves at 5am for the airport) but 15 days home is nowhere near enough time for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.
We were already an unorganized mess with things-to-do when he got home, and now we just got knocked off another 5 days. 

I cherished every single day, in those 20 days.
And they took 5 of them away from us!!

Maybe I'm being a big baby.
 I know there are many more women who go without seeing their significant other much longer than what I am dealing with. 
And some of those women can handle it, they were meant to be able to brace, hang tough in this sort of thing. 
I like to believe I am one of those women, but sometimes I truly wonder.
I know compared to how others may have it, I have it good. Extremely good.
I am thankful, no doubt.
I'm just pretty upset I don't get enough of him anymore.

Okay. I'm done ranting. Time for bed and to snuggle next to theeee love of my life in bed.

Thanks for reading! Have a great night/day, :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

I can't imagine. You have every right to rant! :) Cherish those days you get!!